Source code for repobuddy.manifest_parser

#   Copyright (C) 2013 Ash (Tuxdude) <>
#   This file is part of repobuddy.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
.. module: repobuddy.manifest_parser
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: Classes to parse the ``repobuddy`` manifest.
.. moduleauthor: Ash <>


import copy as _copy
import xml.sax as _sax

from repobuddy.utils import EqualityBase, RepoBuddyBaseException

[docs]class ManifestParserError(RepoBuddyBaseException): """Exception raised by :class:`ManifestParser`."""
[docs] def __init__(self, error_str): super(ManifestParserError, self).__init__(error_str) return
[docs]class Repo(EqualityBase): """Represents the Repository in the manifest."""
[docs] def __init__(self, url=None, branch=None, dest=None): """Initializer. :param url: URL of the repository. :type url: str :param branch: Name of the branch to checkout. :type branch: str :dest: Destination directory. :type dest: str """ self.url = url self.branch = branch self.dest = dest return
def __str__(self): return ('<Repo url:%s branch:%s dest:%s>' % (self.url, self.branch, self.dest)) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs]class ClientSpec(EqualityBase): """Represents the Client Spec in the manifest."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, repo_list=None): """Initializer. :param name: Name of the client spec. :type name: str :param repo_list: List of Repositories in the manifest. :type: list of :class:`Repo` """ = name if not repo_list is None: self.repo_list = repo_list[:] else: self.repo_list = None return
def __str__(self): return ('<ClientSpec name:%s repo_list:%s>' % (, str(self.repo_list))) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs]class Manifest(EqualityBase): """Represents the manifest."""
[docs] def __init__(self, default_client_spec=None, client_spec_list=None): """Initializer. :param default_client_spec: Default client spec. :type default_client_spec: str :param client_spec_list: List of client specs. :type client_spec_list: list of :class:`ClientSpec` """ self.default_client_spec = default_client_spec if not client_spec_list is None: self.client_spec_list = client_spec_list[:] else: self.client_spec_list = None return
def __str__(self): return ('<Manifest default_client_spec:%s client_spec_list:%s>' % (self.default_client_spec, str(self.client_spec_list))) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
# manifest - a list of client specs # Each client Spec - a list of repos # Each repo - a dict with following keys { Url, Branch, Destination } class _XmlContentHandler(_sax.ContentHandler): """Handler for the SAX XML parser events. Helps in parsing and storing the information from the manifest. """ def _validate_manifest(self): """Validate the current manifest. :returns: None :raises: :exc:`ManifestParserError` on errors. """ # Verify that default_client_spec is set if self._manifest.default_client_spec == '': raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: default_client_spec cannot be empty') # Verify that there is at least one element in the client_spec_list if self._manifest.client_spec_list is None: raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: There should be at least one valid Client Spec') # Verify default_client_spec is part of client_spec_list # Check for duplicate names found_default_client_spec = False found_client_specs = set() for client_spec in self._manifest.client_spec_list: if == self._manifest.default_client_spec: found_default_client_spec = True if in found_client_specs: raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: Duplicate Client Spec \'' + + '\' found') if client_spec.repo_list is None: raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: Client Spec \'%s\' should have at least one repo' % for repo in client_spec.repo_list: if repo.url is None and repo.branch is None and \ repo.dest is None: raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: Client Spec \'%s\' ' % + 'has no info about the Repo') if repo.url is None: raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: Client Spec \'%s\' ' % + 'has a Repo with no \'Url\' info') elif repo.url == '': raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: Client Spec \'%s\' ' % + 'has an empty Repo \'Url\'') if repo.branch is None: raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: Client Spec \'%s\' ' % + 'has a Repo with no \'Branch\' info') elif repo.branch == '': raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: Client Spec \'%s\' ' % + 'has an empty Repo \'Branch\'') if repo.dest is None: raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: Client Spec \'%s\' ' % + 'has a Repo with no \'Destination\' info') elif repo.dest == '': raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: Client Spec \'%s\' ' % + 'has an empty Repo \'Destination\'') found_client_specs.add( if not found_default_client_spec: raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: Unable to find the Client Spec \'' + self._manifest.default_client_spec + '\' in the list of Repos') return def __init__(self): """Initializer.""" self._last_repo = None self._manifest = None self._last_content = None self._last_client_spec = None _sax.ContentHandler.__init__(self) return def startDocument(self): """Overriden method of :class:`xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler`.""" self._manifest = Manifest() return def endDocument(self): """Overriden method of :class:`xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler`.""" self._validate_manifest() return def startElement(self, name, attrs): """Overriden method of :class:`xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler`.""" if name == 'RepoBuddyManifest': try: self._manifest.default_client_spec = \ _copy.deepcopy(str(attrs.getValue('default_client_spec'))) except KeyError: raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: No default_client_spec found') elif name == 'ClientSpec': if self._manifest.client_spec_list is None: self._manifest.client_spec_list = [] self._last_client_spec = ClientSpec() try: = attrs.getValue('name') except KeyError: raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: No name specified for ClientSpec') elif name == 'Repo': if self._last_client_spec.repo_list is None: self._last_client_spec.repo_list = [] self._last_repo = Repo() self._last_content = '' return def endElement(self, name): """Overriden method of :class:`xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler`.""" if name == 'ClientSpec': # Add this clientspec to the manifest self._manifest.client_spec_list.append(self._last_client_spec) elif name == 'Repo': # Add this repo to the clientspec self._last_client_spec.repo_list.append(self._last_repo) elif name == 'Url': # Set the url key in the repo self._last_repo.url = self._last_content elif name == 'Branch': # Set the branch key in the repo self._last_repo.branch = self._last_content elif name == 'Destination': # Set the dest key in the repo self._last_repo.dest = self._last_content return def characters(self, content): """Overriden method of :class:`xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler`.""" self._last_content += str(content) return def get_manifest(self): """Get the manifest. :returns: The parsed manifest. :rtype: :class:`Manifest`. """ return self._manifest
[docs]class ManifestParser(object): """Helper class for parsing the manifest XML."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializer.""" self._manifest = None return
[docs] def parse(self, file_handle): """Parse the manifest from the stream. :param file_handle: The stream to parse the manifest from. :type file_handle: File object. :returns: None :raises: :exc:`ManifestParserError` on errors. """ if file_handle is None: raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: file_handle cannot be None') try: basestring = basestring # pylint: disable=W0622 except NameError: # basestring is undefined in Python 3 basestring = (str, bytes) if isinstance(file_handle, basestring): raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: file_handle cannot be a string') xml_parser = _XmlContentHandler() try: _sax.parse(file_handle, xml_parser) except _sax.SAXParseException as err: raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: Unable to parse the Manifest Xml file: ' + str(err)) except ValueError: raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: I/O Operation on closed file_handle') except AttributeError: raise ManifestParserError( 'Error: file_handle is not a stream object') finally: try: file_handle.close() except AttributeError: pass self._manifest = xml_parser.get_manifest() return
[docs] def get_manifest(self): """Get the manifest. :returns: The parsed manifest. :rtype: :class:`Manifest`. """ return self._manifest