Source code for repobuddy.git_wrapper

#   Copyright (C) 2013 Ash (Tuxdude) <>
#   This file is part of repobuddy.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
.. module: repobuddy.git_wrapper
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: Helper classes to run the git commands for ``repobuddy``.
.. moduleauthor: Ash <>


import os as _os
import re as _re
import shlex as _shlex
import subprocess as _subprocess

from repobuddy.utils import Logger, RepoBuddyBaseException

[docs]class GitWrapperError(RepoBuddyBaseException): """Exception raised by :class:`GitWrapper`. :ivar is_git_error: Set to ``True`` if :class:`GitWrapper` got back a non-zero status after executing of any of the git commands, otherwise ``False``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, error_str, is_git_error, git_error_msg=''): super(GitWrapperError, self).__init__(error_str) self.is_git_error = is_git_error self.git_error_msg = git_error_msg return
[docs]class GitWrapper(object): """Helper for invoking ``git``. Provides a way to access and/or control the state of a git repository. Internally, it executes ``git`` commands in the work-tree for various operations. """ def _exec_git(self, command, capture_stdout=False, capture_stderr=False, no_work_tree=False, no_git_dir=False): """Execute the git command. :param command: The command string. :type command: str :param capture_stdout: If ``True``, ``stdout`` is captured, otherwise not. :type capture_stdout: Boolean :param capture_stderr: If ``True``, ``stderr` is captured, otherwise not. :param no_work_tree: If ``False``, ``--work-tree=.`` command line argument is passed to ``git``, otherwise not. :type no_work_tree: Boolean :param no_git_dir: If ``False``, ``--git-dir=.git`` command line argument is passed to ``git``, otherwise not. :type no_git_dir: Boolean :returns: Depends on the parameters to this method: - If both ``capture_stdout`` are ``capture_stderr`` are ``True``, a tuple with the corresponding strings as output, i.e. ``(stdout, stderr)`` - If one of ``capture_stdout`` and ``capture_stderr`` is True, but not both, the corresponding output as a string. - If both ``capture_stdout`` and ``capture_stderr`` are ``False``, None. :rtype: str or Tuple :raises: :exc:`GitWrapperError` if the ``git`` command executed returns a non-zero status. """ git_command = 'git ' if not no_work_tree: git_command += '--work-tree=. ' if not no_git_dir: git_command += '--git-dir=.git ' git_command += command Logger.debug('Exec: git %s' % command) try: kwargs = {} if capture_stdout: kwargs['stdout'] = _subprocess.PIPE if capture_stderr: kwargs['stderr'] = _subprocess.PIPE proc = _subprocess.Popen( # pylint: disable=W0142 _shlex.split(git_command), cwd=self._base_dir, **kwargs) try: (out_msg, err_msg) = proc.communicate() except: proc.kill() proc.wait() raise return_code = proc.poll() if not out_msg is None: out_msg = out_msg.decode('utf-8') if not err_msg is None: err_msg = err_msg.decode('utf-8') if return_code != 0: if capture_stderr: raise GitWrapperError( 'Command \'git %s\' failed' % command, is_git_error=True, git_error_msg=err_msg.rstrip()) else: raise GitWrapperError( 'Command \'git %s\' failed' % command, is_git_error=True) if capture_stdout and capture_stderr: return (out_msg.rstrip(), err_msg.rstrip()) elif capture_stdout: return out_msg.rstrip() elif capture_stderr: return err_msg.rstrip() except OSError as err: raise GitWrapperError(str(err), is_git_error=False) return
[docs] def __init__(self, base_dir): """Initializer. :param base_dir: Absolute path of the git repository work-tree. :type base_dir: str :returns: None :raises: :exc:`GitWrapperError` if ``base_dir`` is not an absolute path. """ if not _os.path.isabs(base_dir): raise GitWrapperError( 'Error: base_dir \'' + base_dir + '\' needs to be an absolute path') self._base_dir = base_dir return # It also changes the current Dir to dest_dir
[docs] def clone(self, remote_url, branch, dest_dir): """Clone a repo. Executes ``git clone -b branch remote_url dest_dir``. At the end of the ``clone`` operation, the working directory is changed to ``dest_dir``. :param remote_url: URL of the repository. :type remote_url: str :param branch: Branch to checkout after the clone. :type branch: str :dest_dir: Destination path to store the cloned repository. :returns: None :raises: :exc:`GitWrapperError` if the ``git clone`` command fails. """ self._exec_git('clone -b %s %s %s' % (branch, remote_url, dest_dir), no_work_tree=True, no_git_dir=True) if _os.path.isabs(dest_dir): self._base_dir = dest_dir else: self._base_dir = _os.path.join(self._base_dir, dest_dir) return
[docs] def update_index(self): """Refresh the index. Executes ``git update-index -q --ignore-submodules --refresh``. :returns: None :raises: :exc:`GitWrapperError` if the ``git update-index`` command fails. """ self._exec_git('update-index -q --ignore-submodules --refresh') return
[docs] def get_untracked_files(self): """Get a list of all untracked files in the repository. Returns the files in ``git ls-files --exclude-standard --others --`` as a list. :returns: List of untracked files. :rtype: list of str :raises: :exc:`GitWrapperError` if the ``git ls-files`` command fails. """ untracked_files = self._exec_git( 'ls-files --exclude-standard --others --', capture_stdout=True) if untracked_files == '': return [] else: return untracked_files.split('\n')
[docs] def get_unstaged_files(self): """Get a list of all unstaged files in the repository. Returns the files in ``git diff-files --name-status -r --ignore-submodules --`` as a list. :returns: List of unstaged files. :rtype: list of str :raises: :exc:`GitWrapperError` if the ``git diff-files`` command fails. """ unstaged_files = self._exec_git( 'diff-files --name-status -r --ignore-submodules --', capture_stdout=True) if unstaged_files == '': return [] else: return unstaged_files.split('\n')
[docs] def get_uncommitted_staged_files(self): """Get a list of all uncommitted but staged files. Returns the files in ``git diff-index --cached --name-status -r --ignore-submodules``. :returns: List of uncommitted files in the staging area. :rtype: list of str :raises: :exc:`GitWrapperError` if the ``git diff-index`` command fails. """ uncommited_staged_files = self._exec_git( 'diff-index --cached --name-status -r ' + '--ignore-submodules HEAD --', capture_stdout=True) if uncommited_staged_files == '': return [] else: return uncommited_staged_files.split('\n')
[docs] def get_current_branch(self): """Get the currently checked out branch. :returns: Currently checked out Branch name if ``HEAD`` points to a branch, otherwise ``None`` :rtype: str :raises: :exc:`GitWrapperError` on errors. """ try: out_msg = self._exec_git('symbolic-ref HEAD', capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True)[0] except GitWrapperError as err: if not err.is_git_error: raise err elif err.git_error_msg == 'fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref': return None else: raise err try: return _re.match(r'^refs\/heads\/(.*)$', out_msg).group(1) except (IndexError, AttributeError): raise GitWrapperError('Error: Unknown symbolic-ref for HEAD') return
[docs] def get_current_tag(self): """Get the currently checked out tag. :returns: The tag name which is currently checked out, ``None`` otherwise. If the commit pointed by ``HEAD`` contains more than one tag, the returned tag name could be any one of those tags. :rtype: str :raises: :exc:`GitWrapperError` on errors. """ try: out_msg = self._exec_git( 'name-rev --name-only --tags --no-undefined HEAD', capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True)[0] except GitWrapperError as err: if not err.is_git_error: raise err elif not _re.match( r'^fatal: cannot describe \'[0-9a-f]{40}\'$', err.git_error_msg) is None: return None else: raise err try: tag = _re.match(r'^([^^~]+)(\^0){0,1}$', out_msg).group(1) except (IndexError, AttributeError): tag = None return tag

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